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    Air Traffic Controller

    An air traffic controller

    An air traffic controller in the control tower using binoculars to watch aircrafts on the airfield.

    About the Career

    Controllers usually manage multiple airplanes at the same time and often must make quick decisions about completely different activities. For example, a controller might direct one plane on its landing approach while providing another plane with weather information.

    On the Job You Will

    • Coordinate the arrival and departure of airplanes
    • Issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots
    • Monitor and direct the movement of aircraft using radar equipment
    • Authorize flight path changes
    • Provide weather updates to pilots
    • Alert airport response staff in the event of an aircraft emergency


    • Average Salary: $159,100
    • Salary Range: $84,660 - $208,600
    • Education: 2 Year Degree
    • Outlook: Great (11% - 20% growth)
    • Total Jobs (2024): 2,130

    Education and Training

    There are two main pathways to becoming an air traffic controller:

    • Previous controller experience. Candidates with three years of previous work experience with the FAA or the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to apply for air traffic controller positions. They do not need to take the FAA preemployment test.
    • AT-CTI program. Those without previous experience must obtain an air traffic management degree through the FAA Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI). AT-CTI schools offer 2- or 4-year degrees that teach courses in aviation and air traffic management.

    Candidates who complete an AT-CTI program of study are automatically eligible to take the FAA pre-employment test. Applicants who pass the test can then become eligible to enroll in a 2-month training course at the FAA Academy. The invitation to attend the training course is dependent on the number of available job openings.

    After graduating from the Academy, trainees are assigned to an air traffic control facility as developmental controllers until they complete all requirements for becoming a certified air traffic controller.

    In addition, prospective air traffic controllers must be U.S. citizens and must pass a medical evaluation, background check, and FAA preemployment tests, including the Air Traffic Controller Specialists Skills Assessment Battery (ATSA).


    NCTCOG does not endorse or promote programs listed on this website. Content is derived from college/university webpages and is intended to be a collection of available opportunities in the North Texas area. Always conduct due diligence when considering an educational program. Please contact the institution directly for more information.

    Critical Skills

    Thumbnail of Air Traffic Controller Video

    Think you've got what it takes to be an Air Traffic Controller? Learn more at


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